714K | imprinted_genes_in_ENTEx_ASE.tsv | All known imprinted genes for which allele-specific expression was detected, genome-wide, in the EN-TEx samples. |
5.4K | phased_block.tar.gz | Parental origin of each phased block in the four individuals. |
5.2G | fithic2_out.tar.gz | Hi-C genomic data processed by Fit-Hi-C software. |
148K | TopDomTADcalls.tar.gz | Topologically associating domains of the genome identified by TopDom software. |
34M | Supp_data_proteomics.xlsx | Proteomics result summary including peptide annotation. |
7.4K | table.DE.genes.tsv | Union of genes differentially expressed between reference and personal genomes across the four EN-TEx individuals. |
3.9K | table.DE.genes.techReps.liver.tsv | Union of genes differentially expressed between reference and personal genomes across seven EN-TEx RNA-seq experiments with available replicates. |
3.2K | table.DE.genes.GM12878.tsv | Genes differentially expressed between reference and personal genome in GM12878. |
216K | differentially_marked_H3K27ac_cCREs.txt | Union of candidate cis-regulatory elements with differential H3K27ac signal between reference and personal genomes across the four EN-TEx individuals. |
69K | Similarity_of_functional_genomic_activities_of_cCREs.xlsx | Similarities between all the available histone modifications. |
301K | normalized_proteomics_RNA-seq.dat | Normalized proteomics and RNA-seq data of genes. |
206M | sample_signal_track.tar.gz | Example output of haplotype-specific signal tracks. |
39G | AlleleSeq2_workflow_examples.tar.gz | AlleleSeq2 workflow demonstrated using RNA-seq and H3K27ac ChIP-seq experiments from ENC-003 thyroid gland samples. |
2.5G | hetSNVs_default_AS.tsv | Full list of accessible heterozygous SNV loci with haplotype-specific read counts. |
1.9G | hetSNVs_default_AS_DNase.tsv | Full list of accessible heterozygous SNV loci with haplotype-specific read counts from the DNase-seq datasets. |
3.8G | ENTEx.TissueStacked.phased.final.txt | Assessment of allelic imbalance in CpG methylation. |
90G | hic_files.tar.gz | Allele-specific Hi-C interactions. |
94M | genes_default_AS.tsv | List of accessible genes with haplotype-specific read counts. |
711M | cCREs_default_AS.tsv | List of accessible regulatory elements with haplotype-specific read counts. |
11K | Associated_AS_Disease_Genes.xlsx | Allele-specific genes associated with diseases. |
8.6G | hetSNVs_pooled_AS.tsv | List of accessible hetSNVs with haplotype-specific read counts pooled across tissues. |
1.9G | hetSNVs_pooled_AS_DNase.tsv | List of accessible hetSNVs with haplotype-specific read counts pooled across tissues from the DNase-seq datasets. |
991M | ENTEx.TissueAggregated.final.txt | Assessment of allelic imbalance in CpG methylation with haplotype-specific methylated and unmethylated homozygous CpGs pooled across tissues. |
2.7G | pgenome_NA12878.tar.gz | Personal genome for NA12878. |
1.9G | pgenome_STL-002.tar.gz | Personal genome for STL002. |
1.9G | pgenome_STL-003.tar.gz | Personal genome for STL003. |
178M | hetSNVs_high-confidence_AS.tsv | List of hetSNVs with high-confidence allelic imbalance calculations. |
10G | hetSNVs_high-power_AS.tsv | List of hetSNVs with the high-power allelic imbalance calculations. |
692K | Supp_Data_SVs_associated_with_eQTL.xlsx | List of SV associated with allele-specific expressed genes and eQTLs. |
2.1G | cCRE_histoneSignals_qnorm.tar.gz | Normalized signal matrix of histone modifications in cCREs. |
1.3G | cCRE_decoration.matrix | Candidate cis-regulatory elements annotated by the EN-TEx resource. |
17M | active.combined_set.txt.zip | Active candidate cis-regulatory elements of all the human tissues. |
2.6M | bivalent.combined_set.txt.zip | Candidate cis-regulatory elements that have both active and repressive signals. |
15M | repressed.combined_set.txt.zip | Repressed candidate cis-regulatory elements of all the human tissues. |
51M | Repressive_cCRE_DNAmethy_repressiveHM.zip | Binary tables showing whether the repressive cCREs are supported by DNA methylation or repressive histone modifications (H3K27me3 and H3K9me3) in each tissue type. |
2.6K | Repressive_cCRE_DNAmethy_repressiveHM_summary.csv | Summary of the binary tables showing the number and percentage of the repressive cCREs with specific patterns of repressive epigenomic modifications (DNA methylation, H3K27me3 and H3K9me3) in each tissue type. |
1.4M | cCRE_DNAme_subset.tsv.zip | A set of repressed cCREs with DNA methylation signals. |
358K | stringent.regions.MF.hg38.bed | Stringent regions with high Matched Filter scores. |
2.9M | ENTEx_fully_repressed_regions_independent_of_cCREs.bed | Genomic regions not containing any active regulatory elements and marked only by repressive histone marks, not by active marks or transcriptional activity. |
226K | Tissue_Specificity.zip | The tissue specificity of gene expression and functional signals of cis-regulatory elements. |
21M | QTL_enrichment.zip | The enrichment of QTL in cis-regulatory elements (cCREs). |
5M | GWAS_enrichment.zip | GWAS enrichment of cis-regulatory elements (cCREs). |
251K | Supp_Data_Compatibility.xlsx | The compatibility of genes with ASE in each tissue and individual. |
1.1M | AS_ratios_and_eQTL_effect.tsv | Compatibility between GTEx eQTLs and EN-TEx allele-specific expression and binding. |
1.6-15G | R6_RData.objects | All transferQTL sub-models obtained using eQTLs from a given donor tissue. |
1.1-11G | R6_RData.4hm.objects | All transferQTL sub-models obtained using chromatin features from only four histone marks (H3K36me3, H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K27me3), in addition to the non-chromatin features. |
173M | perTissue.likely.eQTLs.tsv | Novel "likely" eQTLs in each target tissue predicted across all transferQTL submodels. |
4.1G | predictions.blood.eQTLs.tar.gz | Predictions of transferQTL submodels using the blood eQTLs from Vosa et al., Nat Genet 2021. |
142K | motif_ranking.tsv | List of motifs with their odds ratio, p-values and rank in overall or in a specific assay. |
35M | SNPs_motif_cCRE.txt.gz | Relationship among SNVs, motifs, and cis-regulatory elements. |
133M | ASB-predictions-on-GTEx-cohort.tsv.zip | Results of allele-specific binding prediction model on GTEx. |
5G | ENTEx.Explorer.cCRE.Combined.zip | Candidate cis-regulatory elements used in EN-TEx. |
21M | ENTEx.Explorer.Expression.Combined.zip | Expressed genes analyzed in EN-TEx. |
1.6M | ENTEx.Proteomics.cCRE.Combined.zip | Results of mass spectrometry. |